Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) particularly Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA


Supported by over 30 years of research, Greenshell™ mussel (GSM) powder has come to be recognised as one of the most effective natural anti-inflammatory agents available on the market today. This is due to the combination of several bioactives working synergistically together in naturally occurring quantities.
Pernatec™ is a natural joint health supplement manufactured from sustainably farmed New Zealand Greenshell™ mussels (perna canaliculus)




The naturally occurring Omega 3 oils in Pernatec Green Lipped mussel powder play a major role in the proven anti-inflammatory activity of the product. Greenshell mussel oil contains a high proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), in particular the Omega 3 PUFA’s known as Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

Research over the past twenty years has also identified a series of novel Omega 3 fatty acids in Greenshell mussel oil with significant anti-inflammatory activity.

Pro-inflammatory compounds in the body known as eicosanoids play a key role in the inflammatory process, however the Omega 3 fatty acids found naturally in Greenshell mussels have been found to inhibit these inflammatory molecules.

Pernatec is carefully processed to protect these PUFA’s from oxidisation with typical total lipid levels of 10% of which 30% are Omega 3’s.



PernaTec™ shows superior oxidative stability compared to mussel powders stabilised with standard anti-oxidants

To help us confirm the effectiveness of our stabilisation process we evaluated both stabilised and non-stabilised material using specialised equipment to perform an oxygen bomb test. In addition we tested the efficacy of the material in an anti-inflammatory assay.


Measurement of oxygen absorbance in the Oxygen bomb test demonstrated a 42% improvement in oxidative stability, as measured by reduction in oxygen absorbance of PernaTec™,compared to the non- stabilised control Greenshell™ mussel powder. PernaTec™ also showed superior oxidative stability compared to mussel powders stabilised with standard anti-oxidants.



PernaTec™ shows superior levels of anti-inflammatory activity

Analysis of Pernatec in in-vitro models of inflammation has demonstrated high levels of anti-inflammatory activity and was clearly superior to levels  of activity found in powders with known active components  ( such as the omega 3 fatty acids) removed.

Samples of Pernatec were tested in a human neutrophil activation assay which mimics part of the normal inflammatory response in the human body.  In addition, samples of Pernatec stored at ambient temperatures for two years showed no deterioration in anti-inflammatory activity measured in the same assay.

Samples of Pernatec also demonstrated dose dependent inactivation of free oxygen radicals suggesting that this material has significant anti-oxidant potential.


To demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of PernaTec™, product samples were tested in an in-vitro model of inflammation.

In the presence of PernaTec™, cytochrome C reduction is inhibited (relative to the controls) demonstrating that PernaTec™ has an anti-inflammatory effect by inhibiting cellular superoxide production. PernaTec™ was also fund to be superior in its superoxide inhibition to a mussel powder sample with the lipid fraction removed (DGSM).




It’s not only the Omega 3’s in Pernatec that are important.  Supported by over 30 years of research additional biologically active components have been identified including Glycosaminoglycans (GAG’s) which are known to be important in joint health, and a unique component known as phosphorylated glycogen which is also thought to contribute anti-inflammatory activity.

Specialised analysis has shown that Pernatec Green Lipped mussel powder contains on average 2% glycosaminoglycans and 8% glycogen.

It is the unique combination of these biologically active components, along with the Omega 3 PUFA’s in Pernatec working together in naturally occurring quantities that delivers the beneficial effects of Pernatec.


Pernatec is an ideal joint care nutraceutical ingredient for both human and animal formulations.  It is suitable for tableting, hard capsule fill, pelletising and dry powder blends.


Pernatec is manufactured using a 100% New Zealand raw material source:  perna canaliculus, a shellfish species which is sustainably farmed by sophisticated aquaculture techniques.

Pernatec is manufactured in New Zealand at Waitaki Biosciences purpose built, fully export licensed processing facility.

Prior to freeze drying the raw material, specialised pre-processing application of a proprietary anti-oxidant blend takes place. This process protects and stabilises sensitive Omega 3 oils and ensures maximum efficacy of the finished product.


  • < 1000 micron and < 200 micron, fine free flowing tan to green coloured  powder

  • 10% total lipids

  • 3% Omega 3 fatty acids

  • Minimum 45% protein

  • Also contains glycosaminoglycans, glycogen, essential vitamins and minerals

  • Net weight 25 kg cartons